I live on Hayling Island, Hampshire and am a member of Chichester Camera Club.

I have been photographing for seven years and soon started to enter the various club competitions, but quickly enjoyed the thrill of entering National and International exhibitions.

I now have over 500 acceptances with 50 awards, including 15 Gold medals, 2 Silver and 3 FIAP Ribbons.

Success came fairly rapidly and I obtained my ARPS in 2005, DPAGB in 2007 and FRPS in 2008.  2009 saw me gain my AFIAP and BPE3*.

In June 2011 I obtained my EFIAP and am now working towards EFIAP/b.

In April 2012 I finally achieved my MPAGB.

I lecture frequently and from the many testimonials that I have received the audience seem to enjoy my work and often find it inspirational.

I am actively involved in judging both at National and International levels and a firm believer in the importance of good critique rather than numerically scoring an image.

For me photography can be extremely emotive way of expressing ones feelings and I enjoy all topics especially environmental portraiture.

Rosie Armes  FRPS  MPAGB  EFIAP  BPE3*